J o h N o t e
j o h N o t e:
It’s New!
Ternyata menulis tidaklah mudah. Salah satu tantangan terberatnya adalah konsistensi, yang notabene juga menjadi penantang kelas berat bagi seabrek aktivitas lain. Ada banyak ide yang sebenarnya mengalir dalam apa yang saya sebut sebagai ‘sungai kognitif’, ide-ide yang siap tersaji dalam aksara kaya makna, yang diharapkan bisa memberi pencerahan dan bisa melahirkan apa yang saya sebut sebagai ‘momen aha!’ bagi kita semua. Namun kemudian jalan keluar aliran tersebut tersumbat, tersekat, dan terhambat. Sumbat tersebut –seperti yang sudah saya perkenalkan di awal- ialah konsistensi. Sekat yang lain adalah kreativitas menulis, yang dalam waktu lebih dari enam bulan terakhir ini menjadi barang langka buat saya.
Menulis, di sisi lain, bagi saya adalah passion, yang walaupun dalam kurun waktu yang berlalu dia sudah mati suri karena kehabisan asupan gizi konsistensi dan kreativitas, namun ternyata tetap ada dalam diri dan kembali memanggil saya untuk melanjutkan usaha berbagi inspirasi dan melukis warna warni di jiwa kita.
Dalam tahapan hidup saya sekarang, menulis juga berarti proses bertumbuh. Itulah penjelasan atas berubahnya style tulisan saya. Ada beberapa tulisan dari J o h N o t e yang dengan pertimbangan tertentu tetap saya sertakan di sini. Ini tulisan yang sama mengenai kehidupan, yang tetap dihadirkan dengan penuh rasa cinta pada kita semua, pada kehidupan dan Hidup itu sendiri. Inilah j o h N o t e.
Monday, February 15, 2010
An Old Man and His Lighter
This is a simple story about an old man and his lighter.
It was a cold morning, rain was coming, saying hello to the earth, he missed her so much, so he came to pour out his desire, he didn't care about me, who was hoping for a sunny morning, because cold morning like that just made me want to go back home and sleep rather than went to class.
He also didn't care about an old man who was sitting there, in an ugly bus called 'Bas Mini', where people inside were silent, listening to love songs sung by the rain to the earth. I saw the old man from the place I stood. He was a normal old man, but didn't know why, somehow something made me put my eyes on him. Hmmm... seemed like he wanted to warm himself by smoking. He moved his right hand, put it into his pocket, looked for his cigarette. A moment has gone... He was still searching for his precious without realizing that he already lost it a few moment ago. His precious has fallen, out of the bus, joining the earth and the rain. Then, finally he grabbed a small pack that he was looking for, a place where his precious was there before, it wasn't closed properly, maybe that's why his precious was running away. He still didn't realize... His eyes were shining, as if saying:
"Oh, my precious... I'm coming..."
The shiny eyes suddenly gone, what was left was a confused man with wondering face and eyes that couldn't believe of what had happened. As if his eyes were saying:
"Hey, where's my precious? I'm sure I still have one... Where did u go, my precious??"
I was just smiling, something was in my heart. It made me smile, but I didn't know the reason I smiled. That time I found out that it was his last cigarette, the only one he had in that moment. Ah, he lost a precious moment... his really really precious one... But then, when he was looking to his left hand, he was smiling. He held his lighter there. And he knew for sure, I knew for sure, soon he would get his precious moment with his precious one when he reached the nearest shop and spent some Malaysian Ringgit to get his buddy back to him. As he was smiling, the bus reached my campus. I was going down with thoughts playing in my heart and questioning in my mind. Thoughts of an old man and his lighter.
The Author of my Life taught me a lesson of life that morning by putting me together with an old man and his lighter in an ugly bus called 'Bas Mini':
Don't depend on your cigarette, your precious, it may gone suddenly without you realizing it. Even when you guard it with all of your strength, with all that you can do, when it's meant to be gone, sooner or later it will be taken from you, in other way, when it's meant to be yours, it will remain with you. Love your precious, take a good care of it, that's all you can do, don't depend on it and act like it is yours, coz actually it's not yours... So, what is yours?
The Lighter.
The Lighter is the one who lights up your cigarettes, the one who lights you up even when you don't have your cigarettes with you. When you lose your cigarettes, you can always have them back in the shops nearby. Once you lose your Lighter... uh oh... Don't ever think of getting a new lighter in the shops nearby... This Lighter is not the cheap lighter that you can buy anywhere. You even never can buy this Lighter. The Lighter gave Himself for you. So, love your Lighter with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul. Hold on on your Lighter only. Always.
The Lighter is always much more important than your cigarettes. Your cigarettes are something, your Lighter is everything.
Do you have your Lighter with you??
(Kajang, Malaysia, December 2008)
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